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"Many are called. Few are chosen."

- Matthew 22:14

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'Your calling' may show up as solutions that inspire you. You may hear it explicitely while listening to something. Or someone.

Maybe you'll see it in a dream, on TV, a post on IG or in a day vision. Your calling may

Board an AYC Membership sailing to your Destiny.

How will you know you're being called?

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The desire to create, design, formulate and/or orchestrate solutions begin to take up  real-estate in your mind.

Note: This is a critical point in which you should turn to notepads, sketch books, ipad, phone, index cards or even napkins to document and portfolio your flow of thoughts.

At first, your ideas may feel scattered; and your destiny far-fetched.

The download of your mission may feel slow and off-beat— bits here, bits there. Or, on the contrary, a tsunami of seemingly incoherent ideas may storm in.

Feeling overwhelmed is normal! You’re on track.

Here's where we can help. Our calling is to co-labour with you. Let's get you sailing to your  intended destination 

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Visualize where you see your business leading others. What's the intended final destination? 

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This is your              . 

It will help your clients decide if your vision for the future is in alignment with where they're trying to go. 


        Your calling is


You can't hide from it if your destiny is tied to it.

Think about

our ancestor Moses in the Bible? 

He didn't want to do the work!

He had excuses for God...

Many excuses.

He tried hard to not have to be the One God had appointed and anointed for a specific purpose

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'Cause if your idea of Heaven is sandy beaches... but theirs is mountain tops or jungle canopies. 


You want them to board their Right Ship; not yours. 'Cause you're not going where they're trying to go.

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& orchestrate
your fleet to
your destiny.

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